
Unwrapped, MFA Thesis


A design thesis is like no other design project I’ve taken on. It requires extensive research, surveys, interviews, and data collecting all before design is even considered. After the research, define a problem that exists in the topic of choice and develop a design solution that will reach your audience on multiple levels, across multiple design platforms. What was currently lacking in this area was a message about ingredients brought to the consumer where they make purchasing decisions. While I did discover many companies and non profits looking to make change within the food industry, I found that they were not bringing the solutions to people that needed them. Education tools like apps have been created to inform the consumer of what they should and should not eat but the average person is not aware that these tools are even available. This is where I saw the gap that my thesis would fill. Unwrapped would create an in your face campaign that hit multiple aspects of the customer journey. 



Thesis_videoshoot from Andrea Falke on Vimeo.

Lighting Europe
MFA Portfolio